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FAQ: Does My Tooling Require Any Special Modifications to Run Injectoblend™ Recycled Plastic?

FAQ: Does My Tooling Require Any Special Modifications to Run Injectoblend™ Recycled Plastic?

The short answer is no.  There are no special tooling modifications required to mold Injectoblend™ recycled materials. A common misperception is that the shrink characteristics for virgin materials are different than their recycled equivalent.  The obvious concern with a different shrink factor is the need to weld and/or re-cut the steel on the cavities and […]

Estimating Part Weights

Estimating Part Weights

One of the major benefits of 3D math data for component designs is the ability of CAD programs to accurately generate part volume (cm³).  To calculate estimated part weight in grams using 3D CAD data multiply the calculated part volume (cm³) by the specific gravity (g/cm³) for the target plastic material.