Tech Database

AGS Machine Modifications to Process Regrind

AGS Machine Modifications to Process Regrind

 Working with up to 100% regrind represents its own set of processing challenges.  Based on experience and continuous improvement AGS mitigates regrind related processing issues with specially modified injection molding machines: Material conveying challenges include coarse sized chunks and longs that can obstruct the flow of plastic in standard diameter hoses/pipes.   Fines generated during the […]

A Disruptive Solution to Reducing Clamp Tonnage

A Disruptive Solution to Reducing Clamp Tonnage

Most of the time, the clamp tonnage required to keep the mold closed during plastic injection is the key factor that dictates press size. Traditionally processors have attacked clamp tonnage using higher flow materials, increasing wall thickness, shortening length of flow and specifying larger gate sizes. Now there is another bullet in the holster; iMFLUX constant low pressure molding.

AGS Screw Design Optimizes Distributive Mixing

AGS Screw Design Optimizes Distributive Mixing

Most custom injection molding companies use a general purpose screw design in their machines to process the widest range of plastic materials.  From the very beginning, AGS Technology has specified a mixing screw design.  AGS’ initial injection molding screw design was based on years of compounding experience extruding recycled plastics.  This original design helped ensure […]

Fingerprinting Glass Reinforced Materials

Fingerprinting Glass Reinforced Materials

Every plastic material has a unique performance “fingerprint” that identifies not only the polymer type but reinforcement level as well.  AGS Technology’s raw material testing laboratory has the equipment and skilled personnel to run and analyze the corresponding battery of tests to help solve plastic material identification and performance on a daily basis. For glass […]

ASTM D 4000 Callout: A Fast, Effective Alternative to the OEM Approved Material Source List

ASTM D 4000 Callout: A Fast, Effective Alternative to the OEM Approved Material Source List

Most large OEM’s have their own internal engineering teams to help evaluate and approve materials that will be used in the construction of their product.  Plastics is no exception with OEM’s maintaining an approved material source list assigned to defined physical, thermal, and environmental performance specifications.  This formal approval process can be time consuming and […]